Angular 10 /11 Complete Course for Beginners in Hindi Crash Course

Angular 10 /11 Complete Course for Beginners in Hindi
Angular 10 /11 Complete Course for Beginners in Hindi

Reviews :     (100+)

Charges : Free

Language: Hindi

Access Limit : Full lifetime access

Instructor : Pradeep Maurya

Compatible : Access on mobile and desktop

Angular 10 /11 Complete Course for Beginners in Hindi

Learn Angular in Hindi from beginners to advanced level with project development. In this course, I covered all the basic and important topics with live coding.

Course content 79 lectures

# Lesson Title Type
1 Introduction | Angular 10 Tutorials for Free in Hindi | Part-1
2 IVY Compiler Vs View Engine | Rendering Architecture | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-2
3 Installation & Folder Structure | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-3
4 Make First Changes in Angular Component | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-4
5 Interpolation | double curly braces | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-5
6 Component in Angular | Use of Component | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-6
7 Component Metadata Manipulation | Booting Process | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-7
8 NgModule | How to Create Angular Module? | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-8
9 Calling Function and Events in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-9
10 Display Real Time Textbox Value in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-10
11 Property Binding in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-11
12 Property Binding Vs Interpolation | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-12
13 *ngFor loop to display array data in angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-13
14 *ngIf else, then directive in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-14
15 Hidden attribute in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-15 | #withMe
16 [ngSwitch] directive in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-16
17 Logical operator in ngIf condition with Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-17
18 TrackBy With ngFor Directives in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-18
19 Nested loops in Angular | Nested Array | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-19
20 Pipes in Angular | Types of pipes in angular | Part-20
21 Parameterized Pipes | Chaining Pipes in angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-21
22 Custom Pipes | Custom Filter Pipes in angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-22
23 JSON Pipes | Pipes in angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-23
24 Basic Routing in Angular | Angular Router | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-24
25 RouterLinkActive in Angular | RouterLinkActiveOptions | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-25
26 Wildcard Routing in Angular | angular routing | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-26
27 Redirecting the Router to Another Route | Manual redirect | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-27
28 Route Parameters | Route with parameters in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-28
29 Multiple Parameters | Passing Query Parameters in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-29
30 How to install or use bootstrap in Angular | ng-bootstrap | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-30
31 Forms in Angular | Template Driven Forms | Reactive Forms | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-31
32 Template driven forms in Angular | Template Driven Forms | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-32
33 Template driven forms validation | Angular Form Validation | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-33
34 Reset Form After Submission in Angular | Prefill Form data | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-34
35 Reactive Forms in Angular | FormControl | FormGroup | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-35
36 Reactive Forms Builder and Validators in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-36
37 Reactive Forms - get, setValue And patchValue | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-37
38 What is a Service in Angular | Dependency Injection | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-38
39 Injectable decorator in Angular | Dependency Injection | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-39
40 providedIn with Injectable decorator in Angular | Learn Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-40
41 Singleton object in Angular | Singleton services | Learn Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-41
42 Fetch Data from an API using the HttpClient in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-42
43 Display or Bind Data from an API in a table | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-43
44 Observables and subscribe in Angular | RxJS Observable | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-44
45 Interface in Angular | TypeScript | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-45
46 Interface extends in Angular part TypeScript | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-46
47 Module loading in Angular | Eager Loading | Lazy Loading | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-47
48 Preloading in Angular | PreloadingStrategy | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-48
49 Session Management | local storage | session storage | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-49
50 Storing and retrieving JSON objects with localStorage | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-50
51 Multiple Router Outlets | Named Router Outlets | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-51
52 ng Template in angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-52
53 ng-container in angular | ngTemplateOutlet | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-53
54 Install, import and use jQuery in Angular | Angular 10 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-54
55 ViewChild using Component in Angular | Angular 10 or Angular 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-55
56 ViewChild using Directive in Angular | Angular 10 or Angular 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-56
57 ViewChild using Template in Angular | Angular 10 or Angular 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-57
58 @HostBinding() & @HostListener() Decorator | Angular 10 or Angular 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-58
59 Transpilation in Angular | Transpiler vs Compiler | Angular 10 or 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-59
60 Cookies in Angular | Install CookiesService | Angular 10 or 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-60
61 viewProviders in Angular | Providers Vs viewProviders | Angular 10 / 11 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-61
62 Safe Navigation Operator | Error Handling in Interpolation | Angular Tutorials in Hindi | Part-62
63 Treeshaking in Angular | Tree Shakeable Providers | Angular 10/11/12 Tutorials in Hindi | Part-63
64 Javascript vs Typescript | What's the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript
65 MEAN Stack Mini Project in Hindi | Introduction | Part-1
66 MEAN Stack Mini Project | Bootstrap Integration | Create Project Module & Component | Part-2
67 MEAN Stack Mini Project | Theme Integration | Angular mini project | Part-3
68 MEAN Stack Mini Project | Routing Configuration | Routing in angular | Angular mini project | Part-4
69 Home Page Routing and Navigation | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular mini project | Part-5
70 Article Listing & Inner Page Design | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-6
71 Install Express App to Create Web API | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-7
72 Connect MongoDB Atlas using Mongoose | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-8
73 User Registration Form | Insert Form Data | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-9
74 Display API JSON Response in Angular | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-10
75 User Registration Form Validation | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-11
76 Encrypt or Hashing Password using Bcrypt | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-12
77 User Login | Bcrypt Password | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-13
78 Define User Role | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-14
79 User Logout and Router Navigation | MEAN Stack Mini Project | Angular Mini Project | Part-15

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